Castello di Ahrensburg

Castello di Ahrensburg
Hamburgo . Hamburgo . Alemanha
Built by Peter Rantzau in 1595, Schloss Ahrensburg is one of northern Germany's prettiest castles. Now a museum, visitors can admire exclusive pieces of furniture, precious china and priceless paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries. The park surrounding the castle is the perfect place for a relaxing stroll. The grounds also contain a 17th-century chapel .
Condiviso da: Cristina Nascimento Ancora nessun commento
Visualizzazioni: 3441
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Coordinate GPS
Lat : 53.680201   -   Lon : 10.2404
N53° 40' 48.7236 "       E10° 14' 25.44"
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Castello di Ahrensburg
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