
Hamburgo . Hamburgo . Alemanha
or about five million European emigrants from 1850 to 1939, Hamburg was the "Gateway to the World." At the Port of Hamburg they left their homeland to head off to the New World seeking their fortune. The Ballinstadt museum is dedicated to those emigrants.

Opening times: April – October, 10am – 6pm; November – March, 10am – 4.30pm. (Note: final admittance is an hour before closing time.)

Price: Adults - 12 Euros entry fee; Children (up to 12 years) - 7 Euros. Families and groups pay a special reduced entry fee.
Shared by: Cristina Nascimento No comments yet
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GPS coordinates
Lat : 53.520461   -   Lon : 10.017042
N53° 31' 13.6596 "       E10° 1' 1.3512"
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