Edificio della Radio slovacca (Bratislava)

Edificio della Radio slovacca (Bratislava)
Bratislava . Bratislava . Eslováquia
The Building of Slovak radio is a building in Bratislava.

It is shaped like an inverted pyramid. Architects of this project were Štefan Svetko, Štefan Ďurkovič and Barnabáš Kissling and it was completed in 1983. The building is 80 metres high and has a concert hall with a large concert organ. The first test broadcast was made in 1984 and regular broadcasting began on 27 March 1985.
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Visualizzazioni: 3494
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Coordinate GPS
Lat : 48.15385819999999   -   Lon : 17.114602800000057
N48° 9' 13.889519999964 "       E17° 6' 52.570080000205"
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Edificio della Radio slovacca (Bratislava)
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