Teatro della città di Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav (Bratislava)

Teatro della città di Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav (Bratislava)
Bratislava . Bratislava . Eslováquia
City theatre (Mestské divadlo P.O.Hviezdoslava) is a small central theatre presenting modern drama.

It also serves as a venue for conferences, concerts and other events. The theatre seats about 580 spectators.

It is located on the edge of the pedestrian Old Town, adjacent to "Laurinska Brana" (Laurinska Gate), formerly one of the 4 gates protecting the entrances to the medieval city. While passing the theatre take a moment to admire its attractive stained glass windows.

Opening hours: Daily from 10 am to early morning
Condiviso da: Cristina Nascimento Ancora nessun commento
Visualizzazioni: 3539
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Coordinate GPS
Lat : 48.14393   -   Lon : 17.11205999999993
N48° 8' 38.148 "       E17° 6' 43.415999999748"
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Teatro della città di Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav (Bratislava)
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