Villagio Punta Alice


Villagio Punta Alice

Votre coopération est très importante.
Camping Village Punta Alice, Via Punta Alice, 88811 Cirò Marina KR, Itália Cirò Marina Calábria
Prix ​​moyen: Entre 30 & 40 EUR
Capacité pour MotorHomes: +25 Lieux
Toit: Découvert (extérieur)
Exclusif à MotorHomes: Non
Plancher de: Herbe
Isolé: Non
Sécurité: Très bon
Latitude: 39.384994 - Longitude: 17.143920
 GRAUS:  39 º 23' 5.978"     -      17 º 8' 38.112"


The Punta Alice Holiday Resort is situated directly on the clear sea of Calabria Jonica and offers 300 places distributed over 5 hectares of land in typical Mediterranean maquis, shaded by pine, acacia, eucalyptus, tamarisk and poplar trees.
The size of the parking place for camper vans or caravans ranges from approx. 60 to 110 m2.
Arranged in various points of the campsite, there are 5 service units composed of bathrooms and hot showers available free of charge 24 hours a day, also with facilities for the disabled.
There are various types of parking places available: normal and maxi, with the possibility of also hiring ridge tents and igloo tents for two people.
Partagé par: Cristina Novais
Vues: 1628 Depuis: 2019-04-21


  Permet Nuit (jour et nuit)
  Évacuation des eaux usées
  Décharge d´eau noire
  Décharge d´ordures
  Approvisionnement du l´eau
  Cour de récréation


  Centre ville

Activités à proximité

  Windsurf / Kitesurf
  Sports nautiques
  Bars et restaurants
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Villagio Punta Alice
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