Arena Stupice Campsite


Arena Stupice Campsite

Camping Park
Your cooperation is very important.
Arena Stupice Campsite, Selo, 52100, Premantura, Croácia Pula Ístria
Average price: Between 20 & 30 Eur
Capacity for MotorHomes: +25 Places
Roof: Uncovered (Outdoor)
Exclusive to MotorHomes: No
Floor of: Grass
Secluded: No
Security: Very Good
Latitude: 44.797787 - Longitude: 13.913605
 GRAUS:  44 º 47' 52.033"     -      13 º 54' 48.978"
Telefone: +385 52 575 111
At Arena Stupice Camping site in Croatia visitors return to enjoy the peace and seclusion set within beautiful Mediterranean pine trees, along with close proximity to the stunning Adriatic coastline. For excellent camping in Stupice, this Premantura camp site situated close to the Cape Kamenjak, near Pula cannot be bettered. The Camping Arena Stupice Croatia is perfect for exploring nearby coves and beaches, and campers can enjoy the spectacular scenery including views over the archipelago and its numerous tiny colourful islands from the campsite.
Shared by: Cristina Novais
Views: 1743 Since: 2019-01-22


  Allows Overnight (Day and Night)
  Wastewater discharge
  Black water discharge
  Waste Disposal
  Water supply


  Town / City Center

Activities nearby

  Windsurf / Kitesurf
  Water sports
  Bars and Restaurants
What to visit nearby: Arena Stupice Campsite
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