Farms & Agricampeggio Montibeller Valter


Farms & Agricampeggio Montibeller Valter

Votre coopération est très importante.
Farms & Agricampeggio Montibeller Valter, Via Prose, 1, 38050 Roncegno TN, Itália Roncegno Trentino-Alto Ádige
Prix ​​moyen: Entre 20 & 30 Eur
Capacité pour MotorHomes: 6-15 Lieux
Toit: Découvert (extérieur)
Exclusif à MotorHomes: Non
Plancher de: Herbe
Isolé: Non
Sécurité: Très bon
Latitude: 46.046846 - Longitude: 11.411619
 GRAUS:  46 º 2' 48.646"     -      11 º 24' 41.828"
Telefone: +39 0461 764355
Surrounded by Roncegno to 535 meters above sea level, we have created a new space dedicated to campers and outdoor enthusiasts outdoor tourism. The area provides 15 pitches overlooking the beautiful Valsugana supplied with water, electricity and direct discharges, a area with restrooms equipped with all the comforts, and two premises in the kitchen area and laundry / ironing room. The structure is completed with a room common to spend time with their friends and families, and an outdoor area, covered with three grills available for guests to grill their own outdoors. Opening period from June to December.
Partagé par: Cristina Novais
Vues: 2079 Depuis: 2018-12-06


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Farms & Agricampeggio Montibeller Valter
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